今日我部S2 轉左ICS 啦
以前個D ROM 真係可以去食屎啦…
[ROM][13/06][AOKP] · ▀▄ · ♑.Hydяa-H²o v1.4.1 – IMM76I · ICS-4.0.4 · ▄▀

- Based on AOKP SGS2 ICS 4.0.4 – Totally built from source Thanks to: AOKP Team, and NetChip –
- Kernel 3.0.29-Hydra neophyte-x360@SupeRTeam-* .Based on Thoravukk kernel+siyah with some modifications/optimizations. CWM Touch Recovery and initramfs based on siyah (thanks to pinpong and gokhanmoral)
- Rooted
- New GooglePlay market included
- Theme AOSP Style.
- Optimized (tweaks) to get better performance/battery.
- Tweaks scheduler, I/O, VirtualMemory y others to save battery.
- Superuser 3.0.7 (thanks to ChainsDD)
- ApexLauncher
- Gapps Included (Gmail, GooglePlay, Maps, Gtalk, GoogleSearch, VoiceSearch…)
- GoogleMusic
- PolarisOffice included.
- Adobe FlashPlayer included.
- Twitter included.
- OpenVPN Support
- BLN Support
- Voodoo Louder Support
- Beats Audio Support.
- Bash Support.
- 1080p Videorecording in mp4, and improved quality in photos and videos.
- BootAnimation Blu Plazma II (thanks to his creator).
- RadioFM (optional), you can download it from here: http://files.c0urier.net/neophyte/Ne…s/SpiritFM.apk (thanks to mikereidis)
- Hosts block and APN updated lists.
- Hardware acceleration enabled by default.
- ROMControl (thanks to roman, thanks to Superteam for spanish translation, and nidroid for català translation)
- CyanogenMod devicesettings (thanks to cm9 team, and teamhacksung)
- MIUI FileExplorer (spanish translated by me) (thanks to MIUI team).
- Gradient fix added. (thanks to arzbhatia)
- Other translations & customizations added.
- PinyinIME y OpenWnn.
- Zipaligned
- more I forget.
- Included Languages: Afrikaans, Amharic, Bahasa Indonesia, Català, Cestina, Dansk, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano, Latviesu, Lietuviu, Magyar, Malay, Nederlands, Norsk bokmal, Polski, Português, Româna, Slovencina, Slovenscina, Suomi, Svenska, Swahili, Tagalog, Tiêng Viêt, Türkçe, Zulu, Greek, Russian, Thai, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Vietnamese, etc [ALL LOCALE]. (some languages could not be totally translated)
-Enter to recovery, power on by [volume+, Home + Power], do Wipe Factory /data, & Wipe Cache.
-Flash ROM .
-Reboot (First time it can takes some time to boot 10min..).
-When you have configured all, reboot, to get more stability.
ChangeLog Hydra-H²o
- Updated kernel Hydra4-r26
- Fix dual-boot & initramfs updated (thanks to gokhanmoral)
- Fix bluetooth
- Updated AdobeFlashPlayer.
- Updated ApexLauncher.
- Updated SuperVideo
- Updated patched GooglePlay (thanks to raziel77).
- Added xxTweaker & modified by me to work with my kernel (thanks to rodrigo_said for the info & thanks to fluxi for app).
- Zipalign
- Others